Let us start by welcoming tomorrow’s leaders to today’s United Nations! Seeing all of you here is reminder that our Organization exists to serve succeeding generations. We are heartened to see such a large and enthusiastic group of young adults engaged in global issues. Together, you represent the United Nations as it should be -- people from all countries coming together to find solutions to problems through constructive debate and an exchange of ideas.
Your EKJMUN is built on open minds and fresh ideas. Many of you have been asked to represent national agendas or stands that you may personally disagree with. You will do so fairly and forcefully. This open-mindedness is the essence of successful diplomacy – the ability to understand and analyse all positions, including those that you oppose.
Your acceptance of differing viewpoints clearly distinguishes your conference. We believe it will prove crucial as you assume leadership roles in the twenty-first century.
Young delegates, it is when your conference is over that the real work begins. With this experience, you become representatives of the United Nations; student ambassadors charged with building a better understanding of the Organization – what it is, what it does and what it can do. And you assume this responsibility at a crucial period in the life of the United Nations. Every day and on a wide range of issues, our Organization is expected to deliver in new and better ways.
Let us commend you on the most rapid ascent possible in the diplomatic services: you joined this conference as junior delegates and you will leave as ambassadors!
Dear young leaders, we thank all of you for your commitment and wish you all a most stimulating conference.